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FIDE Sede COAM C/ Hortaleza 63
(Madrid) (ver mapa)

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  •  Lorena BOIX-ALONSO, Director for Digital Society, Trust & Cybersecurity at DG CONNECT chez European Commission


  •  Jorge PADILLA, EMEA Chair, Compass Lexecon. Member of Fide’s Board of Trustees and Chair of Fide’s International Academic Council.

Objectives of the serie of session:

Our world is digital, our economy is digital, our children live immersed in a digital world, and this digital world has so far functioned with little or no regulation, despite the risk of cyber-attacks, the proliferation of false information and conspiracy theories, the constant violations of privacy, the exposure of children to violent and pornographic content, etc.

How do we respond to all these challenges without negatively affecting innovation or excessively restricting freedom of expression? In this series we have invited some of the people who have spent the most time and effort thinking about these issues.

We want to listen to them, ask them questions and reflect with them with the ultimate aim of contributing to making the digital world a more welcoming, more habitable world, where the law of the strongest or the most rogue does not prevail. A world that reflects and respects the values of the physical world that we have been building since the dawn of the Enlightenment.



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