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FIDE - C/ Serrano 26 - 4°dcha - 28001
(Madrid) (ver mapa)

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En virtud de las relaciones que Fide mantiene, estás sesiones están organizadas por Fide y la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Este ciclo de sesiones es financiado por el Plan Nacional de I+D del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (DER2016-78572-P).To attend to one or the entire series, it is essential to request assistance to Carmen Hermida ( . Please ask for registration conditions. This session will be carried out in English.*ObjectivesThe financial crisis and its aftermath flooded policy circles with talk about reforming banking. ‘Systemic risk’ was, and still is, the mantra of reform. Yet less noticeably perhaps, Fin-Tech has been decisively making inroads towards changing the financial system of developing (and, increasingly, developed) economies. The question is, is that change for the better, worse, and how can it be shaped to serve the interests of society as a whole? This requires critical, and innovative, thinking, and an increasing focus on comparative analysis, which, for a change, may not result in examples flowing from the developed to the developing world, but in opposite sense. It also requires questioning some of the basic paradigms underpinning current financial rules. The question is, do we have the institutional tools to successfully pilot the transition?


Obra recomendada por Lefevbre - El Derecho para esta materia: Memento Contratos Mercantiles



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