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FIDE en COAM C/Hortaleza 63
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Joaquín LÓPEZ VALLÉS, Director of the Department of Promotion of the competition of the CNMC

Vicky MARISSEN, Partner at EPPA, Director at European Training Institute, Lecturer at College of EuropeModerator:  Juan ESPINOSA GARCÍA, Founding Partner, Silverback Advocacy.Objectives: Compliance with the Smart Regulation principles is deemed to be key to the healthy implementation of public policy, its transmission into rules, the balancing of any possible tradeoffs between public interests and economic activity, and, ultimately, the welfare of citizens and societies.An important part of this process is the use of evidence to inform prospective rules, by properly addressing needs for regulation and cost-benefits thereof. Regulatory processes are currently not short of available instruments to that effect: calls for evidence, regulatory impact assessments, reports and studies from independent institutions… However, how is that dealt with in practice by the different policy-making authorities? This session will provide an overview of the current state of affairs both at the European and national levels, with an opportunity to address how decisions are being shaped in situations where a strong public interest is enforced in regulatory design. One such context is regulation related to public health or consumer protection reasons, where science and evidence can help bridge the gap between precaution and innovation.


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