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Carmelo FONTANA, Senior Regional Counsel at Google

Andrea RIZZI, Founding Partner at Rizzi & Partners. Visiting Lecturer at Queen Mary University London

Alina TRAPOVA, Assistant Professor in Law and Autonomous Systems at The University of Nottingham

Objectives: Fide and TIPSA (Transatlantic Intellectual Property Academy) present the 18th Global Digital Encounter in which we’ll gather with IP experts from the UK, Bulgaria and Italy to discuss the relevant topic that’s IP and Videogames.

During, and further to the COVID Crisis, digital business, and access to digital products and services increased exponentially. In this context, the video games sector, including e-sports, is by far one of the fastest growing sectors, with an immense development potential. This development does not interface easily with Intellectual Property Rules established progressively over the last 150 years for a traditional environment, and raises many questions: could video games be defined as a piece of Art, with all its meanings in terms of copyright? What are the boundaries on copyright protection for video games? What about the image rights of celebrities used in video games? How can the theory of IP exhaustion be applied to the case of video games? How does consumer protection law interact with video games under the current IP framework? Which role for platforms and Internet Service Providers? Should IP Protection be currently further enhanced? For this Session of our Global Digital Encounters, Speakers with a variety of opinions and/or stakeholders’ approaches will provide a worldwide picture of the future of IP and video games, including on re-imagining IP in this area in favor of both business and consumers/society.


FIDE Fundación

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