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Roberto CASO, Professor of Law, President of the Italian Association for Open Science

Richard GOLD, James McGill Professor of Intellectual Property and Innovation Law

Prodromos TSIAVOS, Senior Legal and Policy Adviser at Athena Research and Innovation Centre. Head of Digital Development and Innovation at the Onassis Group

Objectives: Before, during, and further to the COVID Crisis, Open Science steadily developed, and its role is become even more central for the Research World, for Business World and for Citizens and Society in general. Its development and use are connected to major advancements of creativity in many sectors, and this brings legal consequences, for Classical IP, and offers real challenges in particular to the Patent System and to Copyright and Neighboring Rights Law. New models are being developed and are in urgent need for clarity on the interaction of Open Science with classical IP. Which meanings might be expected from this evolution / revolution? Speakers from Europe and North America will provide a worldwide picture of the future of “Open Science: the dilemma”, including on re-imagining IP in this area in favor of both fair business and consumers/society.


FIDE Fundación

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