How can Bar Associations help their members to maintain their mental health after Covid-19 ? Managing stress in difficult times
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Bar Associations are increasingly looking for ways to help their members through the global crisis in response to the pandemic. Lawyers are faced with a multitude of issues during these difficult and uncertain times: challenging and stressful cases, balancing personal and professional priorities, among other factors that can even affect their mental health.
This webinar will focus on the mental health challenges that the legal profession is facing when developing working practices in response to the Covid-19 pandemic.
In this context, Bars should work to destigmatize mental illness, recommend best practices and remedies, and help bringing more balance into members’ daily professional lives.
The question is what tools and resources Bars can share with their members and law firms to respond to these challenges and opportunities as well as to promote an emotionally and mentally healthy workplace.What mental wellbeing initiatives, services or support programs could the Bars provide during the pandemic? Well-being programs on mental health and wellness on line courses focused on stress management? Surveys to individual Lawyers, law firms and legal institutions? How do Lawyers overcome mental health issues while practising?
UIA - Unión Internacional de Abogados
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